
In this documentation you’ll find instructions for embedding Altmetric badges into your website. The badges are free to use for academic repositories and individual researchers.

If you want to use the badges on a site that isn’t your lab or personal homepage, blog or an institutional repository then you should first contact us at so that we can review your use case.


Do not use the badges commercially - on a journal, search engine, in an app etc. - without first talking to us! We’re required by some of our data sources to keep track of who is using the badges and what for, and so need to issue you a license.

If you’re an organization or publisher and would like to use these badges, please get in touch to discuss implementation.

Quick start

For researchers and academic repositories , the badges are simple to set up with a two step process:

  1. Add the following line of code anywhere on an HTML page:

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

2. Add a div element specifying a DOI (digital object identifier), arXiv ID, Handle, PubMed ID, ISBN, URI or Altmetric ID wherever you want a badge to appear:

<div class='altmetric-embed' data-badge-type='donut' data-doi="10.1038/nature.2012.9872"></div>

Replace the contents of data-doi with the DOI of the article you want the badge to represent: alternatively you can use a data-arxiv-id attribute containing an arXiv ID, data-handle attribute containing a Handle, data-isbn attribute containing an ISBN, data-uri attribute containing a URI or data-pmid attribute containing a PubMed ID.

If it isn’t possible for you to set the data identifier attribute you can leave it empty and the embed script will look for a DOI in the dc:identifier or citation_doi <meta> tags of the current page. Contact us if you need any help with this.

That’s it! You’ll end up with a badge that looks like this:

You can customize how the badge looks, add popovers or display a breakdown of where an article has been mentioned by customizing the embed. See Customizations for more information.

Please see our full terms and conditions for more information.

Technical information

Altmetric badges are delivered by Cloudfront where possible so latency should be very low.

The embed script becomes active after the page DOM has loaded and looks for elements with the altmetric-embed class and a related data-{{identifier_type}} identifier attribute. You can see a full list of supported identifier types here.

If you’re adding Altmetric badges to the DOM after the page has loaded (via AJAX, for example) then you can ask the Altmetric embed script to search the page again for new matches by calling the _altmetric_embed_init function in Javascript:

<script type='text/javascript'>

If you only want to load Altmetric badges from a specific container (e.g. a new div containing several elements with the altmetric-embed class loaded via AJAX) rather than searching the whole page, you can pass an element or a string selector as a “context” argument to _altmetric_embed_init:

<script type='text/javascript'>